Thoughts and Convictions on Family, Ministry, the World, and other Things
Thoughts and Convictions on Family, Ministry, the World, and other Things

What does Hope change?…EVERYTHING!

HIAlogoSeveral years ago now, a friend shared a prayer need regarding his son. This son had through many years and many choices found himself deep in addiction to prescription drugs and his life falling apart. He was alienating godly parents and losing his young wife and children. We prayed over a period of months that God would rescue this young man and bring him back to himself. And as God often does, He reconciled Lance Lang to Himself through Jesus Christ. Not only was Lance, through the strength of God, able to get clean and sober, but God also put within Lance a passion and calling to take the HOPE found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others like himself. He founded Hope Is Alive in an effort to do just that. As of today, HIA has 3 mentoring homes, 2 regular family support classes in the OKC area, and conducts inspiring events called Night Of Hope throughout the state of Oklahoma. And God is growing the ministry every day.  You would benefit from learning more about HIA and the ministries they offer. ( and on Facebook)

Lance Lang is an example of what God is in the business of doing, taking a person with holes and flaws and failures and restoring them into a “vessel” that God chooses to use for His glorious purposes. It has been my privilege to be associated with Hope is Alive from pretty much the beginning, and I am glad that our church also saw the need and joined in to partner with HIA to show people that there is hope. It is quite evident that God has His hand on this ministry as it grows and reaches more and more people, helping them discover the Gospel as the only hope for their lives.

HIA_womens_logoIt is with great excitement that I echo their announcement from this morning, that the next step in the ministry of HIA is to open up their first Women’s Mentoring Home.

From their announcement:

  • Women are the most underserved sector of addicts and alcoholics in Oklahoma.
  • Every year 12,000 women in Oklahoma complete drug or alcohol treatment programs. For those 12,000 women there are only 109 beds at sober living facilities. That’s less than 1%.  
  • There are less than 6 homes in the state of Oklahoma for women across that offers a faith-based sober living program.
  • Oklahoma has the highest number of incarcerated women in the nation. Of those women 80% are attributable to drug abuse and the distribution of controlled substances. Due to the lack of women’s sober living resources available to women 99% are forced to return to the same environment that kept them using drugs or alcohol including the prison system.

God has called his children to do what they can to come alongside those who are struggling and help them find their way. THIS is one way that we can do that. Matthew 25:25-40 says, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

I want to ask you two questions. Do you know someone that needs the Hope of Jesus Christ? What are you doing to come alongside those who are desperate to give them Hope? HIA just may help you with answers to those questions.